I haven't posted a new recipe for several weeks now, and many of you have asked why. The reason is we are experiencing yet another one of those pesky life updates, and this time it's my wife.

On February 16, 2023, at about 4:00 am - I had to call 911 for my wife Rhonda as she woke up not feeling well and her blood pressure was 208/118 with a pulse of 92.
Weeks prior to this, she had been experiencing random nosebleeds, usually in the wee hours of the morning, and when I started checking her blood pressure - it was always very high. A response to the nosebleed? Or were the nosebleeds a response to the blood pressure spike?
In fact, we went to the ER when this FIRST started happening, back in April of 2022 but surprisingly to me, emergency room doctors are VERY HESITANT to do anything with blood pressure - so they taught her how to pinch her nose to stop the bleeding and sent her home.
On Feb 15, we FINALLY managed to get into our doctor's office to see a Physician's Assistant, who prescribed the drug Clonidine to help her relax and bring her blood pressure down, if we needed it.
Turns out we DID need it that night, but unfortunately, the prescription still had not been filled yet (due to a backlog at the pharmacy). So at 4:00 am - I made the call for a terrifying ambulance ride BACK to the ER with a blood pressure of 208/123.
I should note: my wife has been taking 2 blood pressure medications for as long as I can remember, but was actively trying to eat better and exercise to hopefully come OFF of them. She has been 100% WFPBNO since January 1.
After several EKGs and blood tests, even though they were still very hesitant to do anything with her blood pressure - they gave her a dose of Clonidine (but only because our doctor had already prescribed it). And at 6:00 am she was released to come home.
Another important factor in all of this - she was NOT experiencing any other symptoms. No chest pain, no shortness of breath, no headaches, or blurred vision... JUST the blood pressure spike and sometimes a nosebleed.
And so we have been in the "hurry up and wait" mode of our wonderful world of American HealthScare ever since.
It seems every time we try to set up an appointment for an office visit or lab, or imaging of any kind- we are told the earliest they can see her is in 1-2 weeks. And even though we also got a referral to a cardiologist - we can expect to wait up to 4-6 MONTHS for that.
"But what if it's an emergency?!", I ask.
Call 911.
Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands
So as we weave ourselves in and out of our extremely broken healthcare system, I also started looking into alternatives.
Maybe there is something WE can do - RIGHT NOW - as we wait.
Obviously, I thought of diet and lifestyle, but here's the thing, my wife HAS been eating a VERY clean 100% WFPBNO diet since Jan 1, and 95-98% compliant for years now.
If she is eating so well, why does she seem to be getting worse?
For that answer - I turned to the same doctor I turned to after I had my stroke in 2020 - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, MD.
He called us last week and after a little small talk, he asked about her weight.
- Rhonda: "135 pounds"
- Dr. Essy: "And what did you weigh in High School?"
- Rhonda: "98 pounds"
- Me: "Hey doc - she HAS been losing weight and she DOES eat WFPBNO..."
- Dr. Essy: "So why is she still 30 pounds overweight?"
Ouch. He may look gentle - but don't let him fool you - he IS hardcore.
And this all happened JUST when I began live streaming to my support group. And that's when THEY suggested we all do the ESSELSTYN REVERSAL DIET together, for Rhonda, and they even coined it - "The Great High School Weight Challenge"
We are also reading his book, "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" as a group in our community's Book Club.
You can join us if you'd like - either for the book club or the challenge.
Here's the link. BNV Community
In addition to all of this, as a result of finally getting back into our doctor's office to see a nurse practitioner this time - she put her on a low FODMAP diet with yet ANOTHER blood pressure prescription.
One Last Thing...
So we still don't have any answers, she is up to 4 BP meds now, trying her best to follow Essy's Diet plan AND a low FODMAP diet plan (which trust me, doesn't leave much she can eat), and the BP spikes are still happening.
So just to cover every possible avenue available - I just set up a virtual appointment with Dr. Niki Davis, MD from Plant Based TeleHealth.
You may have seen her on Chef AJ. She is the "rocket scientist" turned medical doctor and is one of many plant-based doctors Plant Based TeleHealth has to choose from.
Even though this is strictly an online virtual telehealth company, let me assure you they are all real medical doctors (not just NPs or PAs) and can order labs, prescriptions, whatever - just like your real doctor can. And they cover all 50 states here in America, so ANYONE can have a plant-based doctor.
In fact, one of the co-founders is none other than Dr. Micheal Klaper himself.
So - that is where we currently are.
And trust me, there have been MANY sleepless nights since this whole thing started.
We just want answers.
WHY are the blood pressure spikes happening all of a sudden? What can we do?!
My poor wife is AFRAID of going to bed at night knowing she will probably wake up in a few hours - not fun for someone who eats very clean, exercises regularly, doesn't drink, has never smoked, and looks way younger than her age.
"I'm doing all the right things - so why me?"
Prayers? Good vibes? Healing thoughts? Send them our way if you'd like and thank you, they are very much appreciated.
We need all we can get.
Linda Piazza
Chuck, how scary that experience can be. I know because I've made the same trip to ER with similar results. Their solution? I should stop taking my blood pressure! The implication was that I'm too "anxious," with the medical system all too quick to label women that way. I have Hashimoto's, but my problem this time seemed to stem from gut biome problems after I developed a C-Diff infection when I had an appendectomy (and found out there was early cancer there). C-Diff is gone but has left in its wake all sorts of absorption problems. For example, my thyroid levels plummeted, with my endo theorizing that my gut biome problems are causing the absorption problems that are preventing me from absorbing Synthroid. My spiking BP levels are now quiet again and I'm working hard to improve gut health. BTW, I've been 100% WFPB for thirteen years.
I too woke up in December on several days in a row with severe nosebleeds so was very interested in your post. I ended up going to the walk-in clinic on Day 3 and then the ER that night for uncontrollable nose bleed, scary to say the least. My BP was elevated (~160/100). I've been a vegetarian for over 14 years, exercise daily. I let my pride follow off and am now on BP meds. I wish the best to your wife. It was a terrifying experience!!
Hi Chuck , I’m fairly new here but I really appreciate the work you do. I pop in from time to time to these emails and also watch on Instagram. I hadn’t read this about your wife, but now that I have.
I just want to say I’m sorry. And yes, the medical system has turned topsy-turvy ever since Covid! And knowing that your wife seems to do everything she possibly can to keep healthy is a plus for her!🙌🏽 making her strong to fight her way through this challenge! ☺️💪🏽But please keep positive and I’m sending well wishes for you and your wife. STAY STRONG 💝
Nancy B
Have you ruled out environmental causes ? IDK what might trigger her HBP, but since diet seems to be in control, there's GOT to be another cause. SO sorry you're struggling through this.
I had similar problem back in the 90's. I eventually had to have a adrenal gland removed because of a small adenoma. It is called Conn's Disease.
Amy Darlington
Sending positive thoughts. This must be so hard for you both. She shouldn't have to wait 4-6 months to see a cardiologist!
Wondering, has she had a full recent blood panel so they can rule out any diabetes/thyroid/kidney problems? Have read these can cause nighttime spikes. It might be easier to see her primary to rule these out, and maybe rule out sleep apnea, while she's waiting on the cardiologist appt.
Dina A.
Hi Chuck. I am very sorry to hear this is happening to your wife. Last summer I went to TrueNorth for a 5 day water fast (to lower BP and get off my medication). My suggestion is to call the folks at TrueNorth and speak to a doctor about her situation. They may recommend a session of water fasting to clear her system and see if that will neutralize her blood pressure and then do a gradual re-feeding with their trusted protocol. As far as I know they can help you virtually as well. You mentioned she is now is eating clean, however it looks like something is still triggering these episodes and maybe a refrain from eating and just drinking distilled water, total relaxation from eating for a few days might do the trick. This is just a suggestion. No charge for first consultation with TN. I hope she gets better soon either way.
Prayers and positive energies sent to your wife and you. I also follow this WOE- and have been for years, I get in 5 miles of walking daily as well as yoga twice a week- all was well with me until about 8 months ago. BP just will not go down - and I've never had an issue with BP. I'll be 69 in a few days.
I believe it's all residual from the Covid vaccines and boosters-prior the vaccines and boosters, I took no medication. Currently, I'm taking 2 meds for HBP and it still is not under control.
I'm feeling helpless, I trust this WOE. Just recently, I've added Hisbiscus Tea to my routine (Dr. Gregier).
Chuck, I split my BP meds, one in morning, one at night. I have found the night one helps keep my BP low while I sleep.
Check it out.
Chuck- prayers for your Wife and you. I hope you Wife feels better soon.
I have been WFPB NEAR zero Oil for 3+ years. I’ve lost >100 lbs, more than 1/3 of my body weight. I still have to take Lisinopril 40 mg. My Doc says I am probably stuck with the meds and likely hereditary.
I'm an MD but not a cardiologist but it seems a bit unusual that she needs 4 meds to control her BP. I don't want to be giving unwanted medical advice but I agree with others here that she should be checked for unusual causes of hypertension such as pheochromocytoma, hyperaldosteronism, thyroid disease, renal artery stenosis, etc. Just my $0.02.
I recently added grounding/earthing to my self-care. It’s free and no side effects. Can’t hurt to try. My prayers for you both.
Oh, Chuck, I am so sorry that during this already very stressful time you also have to deal with the medical system backlog. There seems to be a shortage everywhere. Here in Arizona we have Dispatch Health, which comes to your home, can write prescriptions, do xrays, etc. I have used them & really thought they were great. In your case, however, she needed 911 & the ER. When I worked the ER as an RN many years ago, our drs would call your PCP & discuss any medication changes so you could leave with a prescription as well as an appointment...soon.
I am glad you are looking to WFPB docs though, and hopefully w/o SOS--salt being pretty important for blood pressure for most people. Also, I want to mention Dr Dean Ornish's Lifestyle Program for Reversal of Heart Disease. Medicare covers it & now it is even available virtually, for those who do not live near a center that offeres it, & qualify. I am re-reading his book UnDo It and there is so much to learn from that, not just about food & exercise, but about managing stress, meditation, etc. I have heard from other drs that a good goal weight is what you weighed when you graduated from high school. I find it interesting that the weight at that time did not seem like a "scarecrow", rather quite normal at that time. I think because our society has gained so much weight, we now would look at that as "too skinny", (note the older movies, how "skinny" people were!), when in fact it is probably the most healthy weight for us---not that I am there, mind you! I do hope & pray that you find the right solution for your wife & that, as the caregiver, you remember to take good care of yourself.
I am sorry your wife is having issues. I was hospitalized with AFib in December, which shocked me, after being WFPBNO for 7 yrs. I was just released with clean bill of health, since I have had no recurring episodes (have pill-in-pocket if needed). I did start Dr. E's program, and started his diet, just to heal anything else that I can, in relation to my heart! What is your wife's total cholesterol?
I agree with Dr. E, however harsh, although a better question is BMI. I had anorexia in highschool and weighed 88 - 178 lbs, but was at a healthy weight before, so I go by that. I do weigh the same as my healthy weight in highschool. Dr. E is right, in that she needs to follow his plan 100%, if it is a cardiovascular issue. He doesn't allow of any leniency at all, because it all matters. It will take time though. Dr. Lisle is great for tweaking any diet to lose weight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAdqLB6bTuQ
I'm not an MD. I had a friend whose BPs were very high. The meds were not bringing them down. It ended up that she had a pheochromocytoma, a benign tumor on her adrenal gland.
Speedy recovery & quick answers for Rhonda.
I would consider going to another city for cardiologist expertise. You just aren't getting the medical evaluation you need. Perhaps there just aren't enough cardiologists in your area and they are overloaded. You can also get into places like the Mayo Clinic sooner than you might think, and many insurances do cover it. If you don't do this, do get in line with a local cardiologist of some expertise even if it takes a long time. I think the sleep apnea test is also a good idea, and that shouldn't take too long to schedule. One conducted not at home is more reliable.
All that being said, there are people who have unexplained blood pressure issues that still do well. While high, her BP is not off the scale at least! The fact that she is not overweight (in my non-expert opinion) and is living clean eliminates a huge array of disorders!
Chuck, I am hoping that you and your wife can get to the bottom of this soon. I did the Fodmap elimination and reintroduction diet and was so hungry all the time and tired of weighing and measuring and omitting foods. Why did the NP put Rhonda on that diet if she doesn't have stomach issues? Sounds like a needless shot in the dark. A sleep study and cardiologist sound like good avenues to try. Hugs for both of you.
Chuck, sending love and healing thoughts to Rhonda and you. May she have a full recovery.
Please don't forget to take care of yourself while attending to Rhonda.
may all be well
I'm sorry your wife is going through this. Sounds like she started BP meds at a young age and now BP is less responsive despite an excellent lifestyle. In addition to clean diet and appropriate weight, please ask her primary care physician to screen her for renal artery stenosis, an important cause of hypertension in younger individuals who may have fibromuscular dysplasia or people of any age with atherosclerosis. I would be persistent in advocating for this screening for me or a family member. I wish her and you well. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.
Sending healing thoughts to you both! So sorry that your medical options are taking so much time to access!!!
If you haven't read it, Dr. Fuhrman's book The End of Heart Disease may be helpful. Very low sodium (less than 400 mg. added sodium/day), eating lots of raw and cooked leafy greens, and adding 1 - 2 Tbs. ground flaxseeds are a few suggestions from that book.
I hope your wife can resume her normal life soon! I can empathize with the fear of going to sleep. When I had atrial fibrillation, the episodes occurred at night and I never knew ahead of time - made going to sleep especially nerve-wracking. (I have had no more episodes since a cardiac ablation 2 years ago - very grateful to modern medicine for the high tech procedure.)
Thanks fro your blog & recipes - several of them are staples in our house.
Request a CT scan to look for tumor.
Kidney function checked?
Kidney issues may cause blood pressure issues.
Watch the Earthing movie on YouTube.
Sorry you two are going through this and hoping you find the cause and solution soon! Take care!
Phyllis Woodhead
thankyou everyone for your shares! On February 7th I was sitting in a comfortable chair, sipping tea, relaxed and refreshed from a good night sleep when I was suddenly was hit with pain in my chest, arms, jaw, was clammy and short of breath. I woke my husband to take me to ER and a few minutes later said, better call 911. I was a cardiac and ER nurse long ago so knew minutes might matter. They arrived in minutes and gave me Nitro and aspirin. Within a few minutes the pain dropped from a 10 to 5. On the way to ER I reflected on what I'd taken for granted, active life, healthy, no history, no meds, vegan for 15 years. VEGAN, not WFPB. 30 lbs overweight, recovering from hip repairs that had me in a brace with no weight bearing on one leg. When I got thru all the ER tests the Dr came in and pronounced I'd had a heart attack. Not possible I thought. They did find some plaque and narrowing in one heart artery and I was scheduled for cardiac cath the next day. We were incredulous! Thank fully my husband kept me out of the OR by asking the drs to please reconsider and look at my lung scans again based on my recent ssurgery and immobilization. They came back after another radiologist found the pulmonary emboli which had been the cause of the pain event, not a heart attack. Had I gone through the cath it might have dislodged those and killed me. Surviving a pulmonary embolism is a gift. Finding out I did have atherosclerosis was a gift. Today I am following Dr. Essyltyn's Reverse Heart Disease and going through his 5 hour group class this Friday. Thank you Chuck, I've always been a fan and now I will follow you and your wife's journey. I will no longer be a "vegan" but a Whole Food Plant Based eater!
Barbara Cobb
So sorry for your wife and you having to fight your way through the American Medical System. I feel your pain. You have been an inspiration to me and I’ve been WFPB for 3 years and love so many of your recipes. I started because high cholesterol and heart disease was my family’s bane. Then, out of the blue, I got lymphoma. No family history of cancer. I am in treatment at a major cancer center 200 miles away from my rural home. I just eat the best I can. )You just never know what life is going to throw at you. So keep fighting, take good care of yourself, and eventually you will find that person in the system that will shove you toward those who can help you. Good thoughts and prayers to your wife and you.
Carolyn Blakeney
How awful this has to be for both of you. Genetics are still a factor, despite some who claim that if you just eat clean enough no boogie monsters are going to get you. I am sorry your wife is going through this, it has to be terrifying. My blood pressure has been over 200 many times and I am once again on bp meds. It has been in a normal range for short periods without taking medication but stress seems to be the trigger for me and it takes a long, long time to get back to normal. Of course your wife is entitled to be stressed given her circumstances! I was wondering if some mindfulness/meditation practice might help steady and support her emotional well being. It helps me, although I really need to be more regular about it.
Brenda Exline
Dr. McDougall has a program online and works with blood pressure problems. I think that is where I would turn. I think Dr. Esselstyn is right to say she is 30 pounds overweight and to recommend she lose the weight. I never realized how overweight I was until I got sick with Covid. I have been whole food plant based, no oil McDougall for over 15 years. After being sick after they gave me an antibiotic that caused me to lose 40 pounds by causing gastritis among other things I am now my high school weight. Believe me it looks a lot better on me than the weight I was. I went from a size 12 to a size 6 and I needed to. I would listen to Dr. Esselstyn and consider Dr. McDougall's online program. I am so sorry for what you are going through and it is so difficult knowing where to turn and what to do. I have been through that myself. I am terrified of doctors and hospitals so it is very hard for me to turn my health over to them. I thought the recommendations for a sleep study was a good one as well. It's pretty scary when you get sick. I was 73 and 2 years later still struggling to get my stomach lining back in shape so I can eat a some what normal diet. Just wondering why they would put her on a Fodmap diet!
I know some think Esselstyn's response was harsh, but I think his point was that if she is 100% on his program (no nuts or olives or avocado for people with heart disease) then she will not be 30% heavier than she was in high school. 135 pounds sounds like so little to some of us, but percentage wise is different. Good luck, I know this is scary!
Dr. Joel Kahn sees patients in person and virtually. WFPB cardiologist. An amazing Dr! Drjoelkahn.com He and Dr Fuhrman and others are in the midst of broadcasting a really good heart health summit also. Prayers for perfect healing for Rhonda!
I am so sorry you and Rhonda are going through this. It sounds very difficult. I hope you find real and helpful answers very soon. We are all rooting for your wife.
Trina, I agree with you completely but I would add a couple things. If you aren't on water pills or meds that restrict your fluid intake,increase your water to 1 gallon a day. Fruits, veggies,nuts grains whole food,baked fish. There are so many problems that cause spikes in blood pressure from thing physical in your head,heart lungs,to emotional trauma,diet to your gut. Starting with your diet is not the first place I would start. I would start with your brain/head. Michele
Thinking of your wife and you during this rocky time. Remember to take care of YOU during this time so you can be there fully for her. Take care, remember to breathe and thanks for keeping us posted!
May I suggest doing EFT tapping. Google Dr. Kim D’Eramo. She is/was an emergency room physician in Atlanta, GA. I believe. Perhaps she could be of assistance to both your wife and to you.
So sorry you are both going through this!
Have you had Rhonda's thyroid checked out? I had to have most of mine removed due to nodules and a family history of thyroid disease. From what I understand my blood pressure will always be high without medication. The thyroid regulates so many of our body's mechanisms. It is something to possibly look into
Inez Lopez
Prayers for you and your wife. Because of following you and others, I have come down to my high school weight when I graduated!! Not when I was a Freshman!! I do watch it but I’m not as active now as then. I also did ZOE! What an eye opener!! Didn’t know that corn, potatoes and rice spiked my blood sugar so much! It’s based on your own biology!! It worked for me!
marylou taylor
Praying for you both. This is a time we wish medicine is a more exact science. Thank you for the telehealth link. I've been plant-based for a couple of years and got off BP meds, but my pressure has been creeping up again. Of course, the tech at urgent care was talking to me and asking questions the entire time she was taking my
BP the other day so I don't wonder it was high. Wishing you both well, and thank you for sharing.
That happens to me all the time at my GP; asking me questions when I’m already concerned about my BP! I had to ask her not to talk to me while I was having it done; I was trying to relax.
Praying for Rhonda to make a full, successful recovery very soon. I don’t agree with the ladies who criticized Dr. Esselstyn. It may seem a little harsh but he usually knows his stuff. Time-restricted eating like the 16:8 method maybe helpful.
Check out the Daily Connoisseur. She went back to her high school weight using that method without trying. And she is not WFPB- she just doesn’t eat 16 hours a day. She also appears to avoid all processed foods.
Meditation may also be very helpful.
Cardiologist. Needs an Echo to look at the heart and main arteries. Maybe your primary doctor can help you get into a cardiologist soon.
I’m sorry you’re still going through this and can’t get any help. I’m wondering if you can get a sleep study done on your own to see about sleep apnea. That could be causing her blood pressure spikes considering it’s while she’s sleeping. There may be sleep study facilities near you that you could get answers from. I often wake up with nosebleeds but they’re from dry air, I don’t have high bp. I had them as a kid and it was a vitamin K deficiency. Best of luck to you both. Please take care of yourself now too! Sending prayers your way.
Had something similar happen. Had all the tests and was told I was anxious. Left furious. Two months later I survived a thoracic aortic dissection. Took me a year to get back on my feet. Don’t let them put you off. Keep pushing for definitive answers. Prayers for you and your wife.
Sending positive thoughts to you and your wife. I follow a WFPD and the prevent and reverse heart disease diet because both of my parents had heart issues.
I am trying to be proactive for my own health.
Love your recipes and am pulling for your wife to get an answer to this new episode in her life.
Wow, what a scary experience. I went through the rounds with doctors and health care system in my 50’s. Like you said very vague care and here’s more pills. I sought out alternative Heath care, namely Chinese medicine and have been drug free and pain free for 10 years now. I don’t know if this will work for everyone, but could be worth a shot. Regular western medicine still has it’s place….
I hope you and your wife have some answers soon and she has a healthy recovery.
Bea Beasley
Sending heartfelt healing thoughts and prayers to your wife Chuck. Please Google and also check YouTube for quantum healing. Here's a link where you will find much information:
Wishing your wife and you your highest and most loving good.
Chuck curious if they explained why low FODMAP for this issue? I find that curious.
I was going to ask the same. I was on one, physician recommended, for digestion issues to be used as an elimination diet. She also recommended No dairy and No wheat, and that's when I decided to go vegan.
I'm so sorry you and your wife are going through all of this. Yes, our healthcare system is very broken. And you are correct, ERs don't do anything to lower BP anymore, which is absurd. Do they want to wait until someone has a stroke so they can charge you even more? I hope you find answers soon and that your wife has a quick and complete recovery.
Kelly Higgins
Is her blood pressure too high or too low?
Too high.
Susan Weber
Sending healing thoughts for your wife. Perhaps meditation would help calm her nerves a little. They have wonderful free meditation music on youtube.com.
Your wife's situation reminds me of something I read in one of the plant based documentaries that our past unhealthy lifestyles are like a credit card. You charge and you charge and finally the payment comes due". It scares me for all of the years that I did not know about truly healthy eating. I think many of us are in the same boat since we have been lied to for so many years. Again, hoping she feels better soon! Thank you for what you do to help everyone.
So sorry to hear of this! Blood pressure is something of a mystery to me. I've been wfpb for a couple of years now. Getting rid of cheese and junk food made a huge difference to my cholesterol, but am still on 3 blood pressure drugs despite having lost 40 pounds. I could stand to lose another 20 pounds or so, but those last few pounds seem very determined to stick around. I hope your wife's bp will stabilize and that she'll be ok. Please continue to let us know how she's doing.
I am so surprised that you are not getting the proper care from you local medical team. My friend after one spike in her b/p went to the ER and follow up with her MD. Was diagnosed within 2 weeks after the proper tests. May I ask where do you live?
has anyone looked into the association between high blood pressure and how many booster shots your wife received? Theres between an increase in blood disorders as of recent and there is some association to the vaccine..
Proof? Links?
Im am a health professional and I am seeing this clinically. I had vaccines and booster before seeing all these problems clinically. I also was issued a warning from the state that I live in regarding a high percentage of skin and blood related conditions that are being seen, this was sent to all health professionals in my state
Carolyn Blakeney
Peggy you offer zero evidence, no sources, nothing to back up those assertions.
read my response to Mindy above and read below
Paula Wilson
Peggy, let me help you answer some of the other folks. This IS what happened to me and I already shared it with Chuck on an earlier post (they can look it up if they want). I am not at all anti-vaccination but it appears I am part of the 1% who is reactive to the vaccine and can’t tolerate it.
I had mild to moderate reactions (flu like, terrible headache, body aches, sore arm) to the first two Covid shots. I got two boosters later. I started having serious hypertension issues shortly after the first booster. This put me on Amlodipine to help control it, and it took close to a year to start to resolve and it was getting better. At that time, my cardiologist only knew of one study in Australia examining the effects of Covid vaccines on post menopausal women. There wasn’t a lot of data then and she said the relevance was questionable.
Forward to the next year and next booster for me. I developed sudden onset sinus tachycardia and extreme hypertension (we’re talking stroke worthy) with no known underlying cause, within about the same time frame from this booster as the symptoms I had one a year prior from the last one. I’ve now added magnesium per my cardiologist to help keep my rhythms at a better pace. They hope it will improve within the year.
All of my cardiac studies were normal. My heart is just zinging along at a much faster beat.
My cardiologist says there is now a lot of literature linking these effects as well as other heart problems with a small percentage of people (compared to the masses also vaccinated) including some males ages 30-45, and post menopausal women like me (65-75). She said they are seeing more and more people with these reactions. I’ve been told no more shots for me. This is a very real problem. She told me it is very much like some of the cardiac issues people suffer post Covid infection, but almost all of these others are transient and disappear within a year.
Again—I am pro vaccination for the majority of the public, but others should not scoff at those of us whose bodies can’t handle it.
I’m somewhat overweight. I have allergies to a lot of things, primarily certain foods. I’ve eaten primarily plant based (I sometimes slip) for the past 18 years. I do not have a history of heart or hypertensive problems. I’m sure some of these are contributing factors for me, but nothing was triggered until that first booster shot.
Every person and situation is different and what happened to me may have nothing to do with what’s going on for Chuck’s wife, but I did share with him as a possible what if. Everything needs to be explored.
I’ve had tachycardia and shortness of breath also since the second Covid vaccine, multiple tests have shown nothing, I am exhausted all the time, I’ve declined any boosters. Pro vax or anti vax it doesn’t matter, a reaction is a reaction, everyone is different and u need to do the research and do what u feel is best for u. All medications carry risk
Jennifer Purdy
There is no association with the vaccine. But there -is- an association with COVID: the virus itself attacks everything in the body including vasculature and many people are finding that their BP and HR vary wildly post-infection, some developing POTS syndrome. (MD here)
Rebecca Foxworth
The NIH website (NCBI), Oxford, European Journal of Internal Medicine, and the American Heart Association all have articles on the possibility/probability of a link between the SARS spike protein (which is present with both COVID vaccination and with COVID infection) and a recent rise in blood pressure issues, both highs and lows. The articles mentioned above specifically looked at vaccination, and brought up that the spike protein binds to ACE inhibitors.
COVID is too new, and so is COVID vaccination, to rule out either or both in the new statistically, significant trend toward high blood pressure spikes.
Whether we had one, the other, or both… let’s not rule out the possibility that introduction of the spike protein in this new virus/vaccine could be causing changes.
And let’s also not rule out the possibility that something else altogether could be causing blood pressure fluctuation in this situation. We also shouldn’t automatically assume it is or isn’t within her control.
I pray the wheels of medicine turn a little faster than they have been for Chuck’s wife, whatever the cause.
Dana Shuster
Thank you.
My coworker’s doctor, who always encouraged him to get boosters, advised him to stop getting them after he started having bizarre blood pressure spikes a few weeks ago. She noticed a strong association between boosters and unusual bp spikes, as well as unexplainable lung scarring. 🤷🏽♀️
I agree, what you did in high school does not ultimately translate into health. There may be some underlying condition that has nothing to do with whether or not she is eating whole food plant-based.
The research DOES show a link between blood clots & vaccine. Do your own research. I suggest reading “Cause Unknown “ by Ed Dowd.
👆👆👆☝️☝️☝️. Yes!!!!
I was thinking the same question as Peggy.
Sending healing thoughts Rhonda's way! She has a great advantage, that BNV himself cooks for her!
I'm so sorry she's still having problems! HBP spikes are common with certain sleep disorders. Has she had a sleep study yet?
And phooey on Dr E. I love him for many things but this is not one of them. Why would someone's high school weight automatically be the healthiest? Who knows what someone's health was at that time. We continue to grow for a few years. Bone density and other components of body composition change as well. I hope I never weigh what I did in high school again. I'd be a walking skeleton. Dr E has a lot of canned messages he sends out to people who ask for his advice. He can't give an authentic response without a checkup. Please take it with a grain of salt. Weighing too little for ones age can also impact blood pressure negatively.
I agree with you. When I read the part about being the same weight you were in high school, my eyebrows went up and my eyes widened. I, too, would be a skeleton right now if I weighed what I did in high school. I was always petite, but in high school, I was running track, dancing on a drill team, riding my bike, and definitely not taking in the amount of calories I needed for all of that. Things change between the ages of 17 and 65 - metabolism, bone density, energy level, etc. Heck, when I was in my 20's my friends and I didn't even go out dancing until 9:30 or 10pm. Now I'm asleep on the couch in my pjs at 9:00.
marylou taylor
Thank you: well said.
I agree. I've been mostly WFPB for years, but have basically lost zero weight. At this point, I'm not as strict with myself. I'm still careful because I feel much better when I eat this way, but just not as strict. If I want a bit of nonfat dairy, for instance, I have it. As far as weight goes, this diet really has not been helpful. And weighing what I did in high school? Um, no.
Agree. Someone's high school weight many years ago is probably NOT their optimal weight goal now.
That sounded like a pretty generic and lazy answer.
Is she keeping a food diary to see if there is pattern with a particular food and BP spike? It could be something healthy but that her body doesn't like.
I agree, Wayne, what you did in high school does not ultimately translate into health. There may be some underlying condition that has nothing to do with whether or not she is eating whole food plant-based.
Mary Jo
I am following your story very closely. I have been eating WFPB for the past fifteen years but not strictly without oil, sugar, and salt. At 72 my BP has been creeping up and I started taking Losartan last summer. For the past several months I have been having tremors and when I checked they can be a side effect. I need to clean up my diet along with you!
Praying daily.
Susan K Sasek
I am so sorry that you are experiencing this. I have a coworker and 2 dear friends undergoing the same exact thing with the same exact answers. They are not WFPB and not open to it at all. These seems to be on the rise. I hope you can get to the bottom of it. I will send up prayers for healing
Much prayer her way, and yours, for a solution to be found and her b/p restored to her normal.
I’m loving thoughts, Stella