Vegan protein is another one of those discussions that can get pretty heated in a hurry, just like oil and all those 'healthy fats' we hear so much of.
Now you all know that I am NOT a doctor. I'm not a dietician or a nutritionist, or anything like that. I just a blogger. So what do I know about anything - right?
I don't. You're absolutely right. I only know what I believe to be true, from some of the most TRUSTED sources of information we have access to.
And THAT..... is our plant-based doctors. Dr. McDougall, Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Davis, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Greger, et al.
THEY are the ones with letters after their names and have spent years studying this stuff so they can teach us the best and most up to date information possible.
So when I say I don't use olive oil to cook with, or drink protein shakes, or take any supplements other than a B12....it's because that is what I have learned from them. THEY are the experts.
Like Dr. Garth Davis says in the video that I'm going to post below - I too wish we could just get away completely from talking about food in its component parts. It just makes it more confusing to new people.
Because "I" don't eat fat. And "I" don't eat protein either.
"I" eat food....REAL food.....the kind that nature gave us.
The kind that grows on trees, or the vine, or the plant. And I trust THAT food ..... that nature gave us.... to have all the protein, fat, vitamins, antioxidants, etc that I need.
"But I work out" you say.
So does my wife and daughter and trust me, we have this same argument too. So eat food .... and you'll get your protein - easy.
There has never been a recorded case of protein deficiency - ever - unless they were starving for calories. So as long as you're eating enough calories - you're getting enough protein.
Come on....are protein shakes really food anyway? Looks like a big expensive can of powder to me. And realize that when you isolate the proteins away from their source (can you say highly processed), whether it be soy protein, or pea protein, whatever - you are also stimulating IGF1 growth which DOES, in fact, help promote cell growth.
But not just muscles cells....cancer cells too.
Look, we as Americans ALREADY eat more protein than any other country in the world. How's that working out for us?
- - highest health care cost
- - highest % of obesity
- - highest % of diabetes
- - highest % of heart disease
I can go on all day....
Bottom line - please do NOT worry about your protein.
"EAT FOOD. Not too much. Mostly plants"
Michael Pollan
Disagree? Fine. I've stated why I believe the way I do. And honestly, I find it very hard to believe that all of our plant-based experts are wrong.
But if you want to believe otherwise - that's your choice. But in THIS group - this is what I teach.
Here's the video. I highly recommend you watch it.
Michele Clutter
You are my inspiration of do better. I am a HUGE fan of yours and really enjoy reading your blogs and watching yourYou Tube videos. One question. haVE you ever used Yuba? I’ve been readying my about it but haven’t used it. I’d be interested in your views.
Chuck Underwood
I have not.
Carolyn Blacknall
Hi! I love your web site. Please fix this comment section. It is too small and too light hard to read .I epically liked the video on making the taco meat. I really like seeing it in addition to reading about it.